
eBPF & Tetragon: Tools for detecting XZ Utils CVE 2024-3094 Exploit
Apr 04, 2024

eBPF & Tetragon: Tools for detecting XZ Utils CVE 2024-3094 Exploit

Learn how to use Tetragon to detect the XZ backdoor in OpenSSH

Exploring Network Policies with Cilium
Apr 03, 2024

Exploring Network Policies with Cilium

Learn how to install Cilium on Civo Cloud and how you can leverage Cillum network policies to secure cluster communication

Extending a service using Private Link from Azure and securing it with Cilium’s Network Policy
Mar 31, 2024

Extending a service using Private Link from Azure and securing it with Cilium’s Network Policy

Learn how to access an AKS application externally via Private Link Service and restrict access to specific CIDR blocks with Cilium's Network Policy

La mutualisation de services sur plusieurs clusters avec Cilium et Microsoft AKS
Mar 25, 2024

La mutualisation de services sur plusieurs clusters avec Cilium et Microsoft AKS

Apprenez à déployer Cilium sur AKS avec Pulumi et explorez certaines de ses fonctionnalités

How to Install Lightweight Kubernetes on Ubuntu 22.04
Mar 22, 2024

How to Install Lightweight Kubernetes on Ubuntu 22.04

Learn how to deploy a lightweight Kubernetes cluster using k3s on Ubuntu 22.04 using OpenTofu & Ansible on Hetzner Cloud with Cilium as the CNI

Tutorial: Using The Network Policy Editor (Part 3)
Mar 21, 2024

Tutorial: Using The Network Policy Editor (Part 3)

In the third part of the network policy series, you'll learn about the Network Policy Editor. It is a free tool designed to ease the cognitive overhead of developing network policies

Cilium: Installing Cilium in EKS with no Kube-Proxy
Mar 21, 2024

Cilium: Installing Cilium in EKS with no Kube-Proxy

In this article you will learn how the EKS-managed kube-proxy DaemonSet can also be disabled entirely to install Cilium as the CNI on an EKS cluster with a managed nodegroup

Tutorial: Cilium Network Policy in Practice (Part 2)
Mar 15, 2024

Tutorial: Cilium Network Policy in Practice (Part 2)

In this second part of the network policy series, explore the complexities of designing Cilium Network policy rules and learn about some common user stories that shed light on the practical implementation of Cilium Network Policies

File Monitoring with eBPF and Tetragon (Part 1)
Mar 13, 2024

File Monitoring with eBPF and Tetragon (Part 1)

Learn how to implement secure and scalable file monitoring(FIM) with eBPF and Tetragon



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